Thursday, June 21, 2007

Does anyone else feel this way?

Hi. Something has been bugging me for a you know if you have been reading(and I don't think anyone has but if people start I want there to be some sort of continuity.) My decision to start tgttr was based on the betrayal of ESPN to the viewers that made it what it was...this is something that I don't want to continually harp on because great sites like Deadspin pretty much have missile lock on the WorldWideLeader but this morning's experience is one I would like to share with you.

Turn on the TV as always and tune to channel 736 (Hi-Def ESPN for those of you not in the area) to see if the Yanks actually got dusted by the score that was current when I fell asleep, hey they're in Colorado and start at 9pm, don't call me soft. Anyway as fate would have it my TV comes to life just as they are advertising their ridiculously convoluted "Who's Now?" tournament where athletes are arranged in brackets March Madness style to vote on who currently has the most on and off the field success (think A-Rod, Tiger, Tom Brady etc.) This got me thinking...these types of promotions, and thats all they are, a tool that ESPN will use to push false storylines(A-Rod more successful than Jeter? How will the fans react? hmmm we don't care just win some effing games please.) "Who's Now" while being the dumbest fucking question ever, is simultaneously the reason why SportsCenter sucks now. Back in the day, the highlights used to capture the flow of the game. If you watched a game start to finish, the edition of SC that followed more or less gave you the essence of how the game felt. Whether it be a pitcher's duel, slugfest, etc. the highlight gave you the same feel that the 9 inning edition gave you.

Now? you get about four seconds of one run scoring and obscure facts about players, the stadium, the umpire many times does this have happen before I finally lose it and throw my control against the wall? You watch a game, want to catch the highlights later and get no satisfaction due to SC pushing something other than the actual product.

More than a little frustrating. Does anyone else feel this way? C'mon I know you're out there.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Great Weekend

The theme of the day is celebrate...not only a successful series for the yanks but everything in life should be celebrated. Its such a repeated thought that all too often comes about due to tragedy rearing its ugly head in our lives, but it really is the way we should all feel about the time we are given on this planet. Granted some days are better than others but all in all our time here is limited and I plan to make the best of it.

A Couple of things I wanted to mention... I had contemplated starting this a couple of months back when I officially hit my tipping point in my relationship with ESPN. Like most kids errr young adults my age (25) we had grown up with the network and HATE the transformation that has gone on there, however like an abusive relationship, the abused always goes back to the abuser. In my case this means that no matter what, Sportscenter was always the last thing to watch before bed, and always the first thing to watch in the morning. This was right around the time of the brutal "nappy headed ho's" situation that almost got the Governor of NJ killed. I remember reading on Deadspin or another similar publication(?) that the comments were picking up some steam and had a sense that the shit was about to hit the fan. Seeing my parents for dinner that night and knowing the place Imus holds in my fathers heart(big fan--for whatever reason) I bring up what he said and how people are outraged and wondered if they had heard his comments. Not only were they not aware of the storm heading Imus' way, they weren't even aware of HIS COMMENTS. The whole situation was like a light bulb going off in my head. It was not the first time, but perhaps the most profound moment in which from reading something online I knew about a national phenomenon or story well before the print or television media would or could break the story, times had officially changed and I could sense a shift was taking, or had already taken place. The media is useless to our generation. We are not content to look towards one source or place for information to be provided to us, we want it, find it, and make up our own mind about it. Yes, I know there are some parts of the country that still don't use computers and dial-up does still exist but Northern NJ has blessed me with high speed and I am not afraid to use it.

Anyway, I sense that I have rambled but as you may be able to tell this decision has been brewing within me for quite some time so bare with me, perhaps in the future I will be better at self editing or maybe posting more than once a day for an hour straight. My sole hope is to be able to mold this into something that makes sense, something with a theme, something that isn't A.J Soprano looking up the ills of the world on his macbook that he didn't pay for, complaining about injustice as he zooms away in his M3. In other words, I hope I'm smart enough to make this not suck.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Hello everyone, and no one all at the same time...I have been deliberating whether or not to take the self indulgent step of creating a blog and figured why the fuck not. This will be a place where thoughts will be expressed, people may read, they may not...but atleast I can get whatever it is off my chest and out into the world. So here it goes, topics will vary as will the overall mood of my posts, I hope least of all that I get to enjoy doing this and if anyone else does, thats just a bonus.